STM32CubeIDE Hands-on

STM32CubeIDE Hands-on

In this post, we will be introducing the official development tools offered by STMicro. It is called STM32CubeIDE and is based on Eclipse and the GNU/GCC toolchain. Eclipse is a very popular integrated development environment (IDE) among embedded developers. STM32CubeIDE is pretty stable and supports 

Episode 4 LED Panel Design with STM32 and Statecharts

Episode 4 LED Panel Design with STM32 and Statecharts

Having seen the hardware interface to the RGB LED panels, we shall now look at how we can control them with software. To start, let’s recap the timing diagram introduced in the last episode: It uses binary code modulation (BCM) in which software repeatedly clocks out R/G/B data in 

Episode 3 Color Tricks with LED Panels

Episode 3 Color Tricks with LED Panels

In the previous episode, we have shown how to clock out 128 bits of R/G/B data to each row of our 128×128 LED panel. Since only 1 out of 16 rows in each scan set (i.e. half of each LED panel) is selected for display 

Episode 2 Programming Model of LED Panels

Episode 2 Programming Model of LED Panels

Before we can possibly write any code to control the RGB LED panels, we must understand the control interface to the hardware. Most of these panels share a similar 16-pin control interface. For the 64×32 panels we use, there are 6 RGB data lines, 4 

Episode 1 A Taste of Color

Episode 1 A Taste of Color

In our other series on microbit, we used a timer example to illustrate the model-driven approach of software design. We introduced a simple reusable statechart framework on which we build our application using the concept of states, events and timers. In that example we have